I first met Professor Ferrara in her role as Professional Development School Co-ordinator while she was serving as a Professor in Residence at the Thomas Edison Community School. She was lecturing in London and developing partnership work with the University of Roehampton. I was immediately inspired by the work that Dr Ferrara was undertaking and following discussions with her decided to pilot the model of Professor in Residence in my own independent British elementary school. This I believe may have been the first such scheme in a British School and Dr. Ferrara and I subsequently collaborated on a chapter for her book on Professional Development Schools to chart the work that was being undertaken. Dr. Ferrara visited my school in Kensington, London (UK) and met with staff. She guided me and my colleagues in ensuring that the model we were developing was rigorous, sustainable and true to the PDS aims.
Jo Anne Ferrara is an inspirational woman who has guided so many in their professional development journeys. She makes a rich and full contribution to the field of Education, both in the USA and internationally.”