Projects & Services

Projects are helping various schools address the needs of students, families, teachers, and administrators. In each setting regardless of location, strategies for increased family and community engagement are driving the work. Through individual and small group coaching, site-visits, strategic planning, focus groups, and district-wide community events, schools are building.

One World Global Education

Serving as the educational advisor to the company’s CEO. Designing strategies to align New York State’s curriculum with the program’s goals.

Ossining School District

Supporting the Community School Supervisor enact the community school strategy for the Ossining District.

Llantarnam Community Primary School

Coaching and action planning with headteacher and implementation team to design a community focused school. Providing resources and inventorying school’s assets and gaps.

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University of Central Florida Center

Coaching the Center’s technical assistance (TA) team members to enrich their capacity to deliver TA to school districts state-wide.

Schenectady City School District

Now in year two of implementation the district continues to deepen the community school strategy at 5 elementary schools. In fall 2025 the middle school will be added to the network. Dr. Ferrara works with principals, community school supervisor, community school directors, and family liaisons to provide coaching and strategic planning.

Tarrytown School District

Providing a comprehensive community school implementation strategy to the district. The strategy includes principal coaching, workshops, needs assessment, resource inventory, focus groups and selection pilot schools. This multi-year project will focus on building community school capacity at selected schools


"Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the panel. It’s important that other communities understand the value of community schools and also know that a technical assistance center exists in NY to support them".

~Dr. Eric Rosser, Superintendent, Poughkeepsie School District